Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hello World

My name is Erica and I'm 3 and a half months pregnant. Yaaay! (not really)
Im not to sure of the sex of the baby but I hope its a girl....

     Okay so I am writing this BLOG to show and tell the world pregnancy isn't what its cracked up to be lol...I mean its not all like I get to EAT all I want when I want and blame it on the BABY or I can be a BITCH and blame it on the extra hormones from my pregnancy.To be blunt and that I am it SUCKS!...I mean...I  haven't had a day where I haven't been sick or spitting...Yes! i said SPITTING like WTF? who knew that being pregnant makes you excessively salivate...heres a ink about it if you have doubts >>>>>>>>>>>>>

If you've looked at the link you'd know I'm kinda f***ed ...So during the next 5 and a half months you will be reading about my pregnancy (if you really want to its totally cool if you don't).

P.S..Im kind of excited to see the little ALIEN lol

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